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T2 C11 ZC La Miniteca del Control Total, Tomo I

T2 C11 ZC La Miniteca del Control Total, Tomo I

Programa dedicado a la Miniteca ZC, Venezuela, disponible en https://ubuntu.cafe
En mi juventud, esta era una de las minitecas más famosas de Venezuela, cuando éramos felices y no lo sabíamos…
En esta entrega, un set de 30 minutos de Pop, Rock y New Wave de los 80’s
#MinitecaZC #ZC #Minitek #Venezuela #GuerradeMinitecas #UbuntuCafe #NewWave #80sMixed #Musicadelos80mezclada #musicadelos80s

Hosted by Juan Rodulfo, available at:
Ubuntu Web: https://ubuntu.cafe​
YouTube: http://bit.ly/3qZfjdJ​

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Derechos Humanos, Venezuela, Dictadura en Venezuela, Nicolas Maduro, Diosdado Cabello, Vladimir Padrino, DD HH,

La Barbarie Represiva de la Narcodictadura de Nicolás Maduro Tomo I

Derechos Humanos, Venezuela, Dictadura en Venezuela, Nicolas Maduro, Diosdado Cabello, Vladimir Padrino, DD HH,
Derechos Humanos, Venezuela, Dictadura en Venezuela, Nicolas Maduro, Diosdado Cabello, Vladimir Padrino, DD HH,

#DerechosHumanos #Venezuela #DictaduraenVenezuela #NicolasMaduro #DiosdadoCabello #VladimirPadrino #DDHH

Para la narcodictadura, todas las manifestaciones opositoras y de la sociedad social, aunque sean pacíficas, se convierten por la presencia de los colectivos que forman parte del PSUV, en violentas, ya que infiltra elementos armados de esa organización parapolicial para así justificar la acción criminal de los cuerpos de exterminio, vale decir, la Guardia Nacional, el SEBIN y otros componentes de las Fuerzas Armadas.

Por otro lado, organizaciones de derechos humanos han dejado claro que la Resolución 8610 contradice las disposiciones de la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos contra el Estado Venezuela, a raíz de los hechos violentos ocurridos en 1989, conocidos como El Caracazo cuando para controlarlos el gobierno del presidente Carlos Andrés Pérez puso en marcha el Plan Ávila y sacó al ejército a la calle para restaurar el orden.

Las protestas contra la narcodictadura iniciadas en todo el país a partir del 12 de febrero de 2014 dejaron un saldo de 43 asesinatos y centenares de heridos por porte los cuerpos represivos y los círculos del terror. Igualmente, centenares de presos políticos, que el defensor público califica de políticos presos.

Sobre el particular Inti Rodríguez, investigador de la ONG Provea, acusó al régimen de militarizar el orden público y reveló que dicha institución ve con preocupación la creciente ola de criminalización y represión de las protestas desde que Maduro asumió la presidencia.

Resolución totalmente inconstitucional porque establece necesitar una autorización previa para organizar cualquier marcha y la de declarar como “ilegal” la manifestación en ciertos municipios, bajo la presunción de que se registrarán actos violentos antes incluso de que sucedan.

Además la narcodictadura le ha dado vida a las milicias obreras, comandos antigolpes y brigadas especiales que militarizan más a la sociedad civil y promueven una respuesta de choque ante cualquier conflicto que pueda surgir, en vista del deterioro de la situación económica y el descontento por la alta inflación, la escasez de alimentos y los servicios públicos deficientes que llevaron a los venezolanos a manifestarse en más de 5.400 ocasiones en distintas partes del país, solo en 2014, según la antes mencionada ONG Provea. Por su parte el Observatorio de Conflictividad Social reportó 9.286 protestas, es decir, 26 diarias durante el mismo periodo, la mitad de ellas contra el Gobierno de Maduro.

Según ha denunciado Alexander Cambero la arremetida brutal de la narcodictadura contra la disidencia tiene dos orientaciones, mantenerse en el poder al precio que sea y vengarse de aquellos que hicieron que la imagen internacional del régimen quedara deteriorada. Con la correspondiente mancha imborrable en el testamento imaginario del legado de su comandante eterno.

Este trabajo, una contribución a la memoria histórica de la barbarie castro-chavista- madurista-militarista, ha sido redactado en su totalidad con casos que he tomado de la Web y tiene como propósito fundamental sacarlos de su escondite digital, ordenarlos y darles forma de libro para que las nuevas generaciones, las que desde 1999 a la fecha, mayo de 2022, han conocido solo dos siniestras caras en la presidencia de la República, la del teniente coronel (retirado) Hugo Chávez, quien amenazó con estar siempre en el poder, y la del narcodictador Nicolás Maduro, un autobusero del Metro de Caracas que éste designó como su sucesor, el cual, ha sido eficiente en la destrucción del país que iniciara su mentor político y que no pudo concluir gracias a su muerte en diciembre de 2012, o en marzo de 2013, según la versión que utilicen los lectores para documentar. En todo momento se ha dejado constancia de cada texto. Las fotografías de la portada y los textos tienen el mismo origen digital y así lo declaro.

La Barbarie Represiva de la Narcodictadura de Nicolás Maduro Tomo I
La Barbarie Represiva de la Narcodictadura de Nicolás Maduro Tomo I

Derechos Humanos, Venezuela, Dictadura en Venezuela, Nicolas Maduro, Diosdado Cabello, Vladimir Padrino, DD HH,

grayscale photo of group of people inside stadium

Merengue de los 80’s Mezclado, Tomo I

T2 C9 de Ubuntu Cafe: Merengue de los 80’s Mezclado, Tomo I

#MerengueMezclado #Merenguedelos80s #Minitek #Venezuela #UbuntuCafe #80sMixed #Musicadelos80mezclada #Musicadelos80



Programa dedicado al Merengue Mezclado de los 80s, Venezuela, disponible en https://ubuntu.cafe
Esta edición contiene un Set de 1 hora 19 minutos de puro Merengue de los 80s Mezclado por el DJ Ronald de Valencia, Venezuela

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Deezer: http://bit.ly/37QuXQU​
TuneIN: http://bit.ly/2PeAaM6​

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Hosted by Juan Rodulfo, available at:
Ubuntu Web: https://ubuntu.cafe​
YouTube: http://bit.ly/3qZfjdJ​

efficiency, personal responsibility, traffic safety, fluid traffic flow, shorter travel times, fuel consumption, greener environment, driver skills, adaptability, public safety,

Who respects the speed limits on highways?

#speedlimits #efficiency #personalresponsibility #fluidtrafficflow #shortertraveltimes

This article is published on Juan Rodulfo. To read the original article, click here.


Highways are essential transportation arteries that facilitate economic growth, connect communities, and provide efficient travel routes for individuals. However, the debate surrounding speed limits on highways has garnered significant attention. In this article, we will discuss why the speed limit on highways must be eliminated, taking into account various perspectives and considerations.

Ensuring Efficiency

One of the primary reasons to eliminate the speed limit on highways is to improve efficiency in both travel time and fuel consumption. Advocates argue that when individuals can travel at their desired speed, it reduces congestion and allows for a more fluid traffic flow. This results in shorter travel times, reducing fuel consumption and contributing to a greener environment.

Promoting Personal Responsibility

Opponents of speed limits believe that eliminating them would encourage personal responsibility. Instead of complying with arbitrary limits, drivers would be expected to exercise their judgment and adapt their speed to the conditions on the road. Advocates claim that this approach fosters a sense of accountability and enhances driver skills as they become more attuned to their surroundings and adjust their speed accordingly.

Enhanced Traffic Safety Measures

Contrary to common assumptions, removing speed limits on highways could lead to improved safety. Advocates of this viewpoint argue that when speed limits are eliminated, drivers are forced to be more attentive and focused on the road. They must adapt to their surroundings, take caution in high-traffic areas, and generally drive more defensively. Additionally, proponents suggest that by eliminating the speed limit, it would allow law enforcement to focus their resources on other traffic safety measures.

Potential Concerns and Counterarguments

While the elimination of speed limits on highways might have its benefits, some valid concerns must be taken into account. Critics argue that removing speed limits could result in chaotic driving behavior, amplified risks of accidents, and increased severity of accidents. Additionally, factors such as driver skills, vehicle maintenance, and road conditions could significantly impact safety, making it challenging to gauge an appropriate speed. Careful planning, increased law enforcement presence, and the implementation of advanced traffic monitoring systems would be necessary to address these concerns.


The ongoing debate about whether to eliminate speed limits on highways presents compelling arguments from both proponents and opponents. Advocates claim that the elimination of speed limits would promote efficiency, personal responsibility, and potentially enhance traffic safety through attentiveness and adaptability. However, valid concerns regarding safety must be addressed adequately. Striking a balance between individual freedom and public safety remains crucial. Further research, consensus-building, and a comprehensive approach are essential before considering such a fundamental change to highway regulations.

This article is published on Juan Rodulfo. To read the original article, click here.

efficiency, personal responsibility, traffic safety, fluid traffic flow, shorter travel times, fuel consumption, greener environment, driver skills, adaptability, public safety,

#speedlimits #efficiency #personalresponsibility #fluidtrafficflow #shortertraveltimes #fuelconsumption #greenerenvironment #driverskills #adaptability #publicsafety #trafficsafety

Fisher boats, Pelicans, Beacon, Beach, blue waters, sand, waves, summer, vacation, blue sky, breaking wave, relaxation, beauty in nature, coastline, sunny, horizon over water, sunlight, nature, water, travel destinations, no people, sea,

Beaches and fisher boats

#Beach #FisherBoats #GorilaTravel #Coastline #Sea #MarineWonderland #Vacation #TravelDestinations #SunnyShores #BeachLife

Discovering Serenity: Beaches and Fisher Boats

Fisher boats, Pelicans, Beacon, Beach, blue waters, sand, waves, summer, vacation, blue sky, breaking wave, relaxation, beauty in nature, coastline, sunny, horizon over water, sunlight, nature, water, travel destinations, no people, sea,

As we stroll along the gentle curve of the coastline, the symphony of waves serenades us, each one whispering secrets of the deep. The beach, a canvas of golden hues, stretches infinitely, meeting the azure sky at the horizon. It is here, along this pristine shoreline, that the story of nature’s bounty and mankind’s harmony comes to life.

A Fusion of Nature and Nostalgia

Fisher boats, Pelicans, Beacon, Beach, blue waters, sand, waves, summer, vacation, blue sky, breaking wave, relaxation, beauty in nature, coastline, sunny, horizon over water, sunlight, nature, water, travel destinations, no people, sea,

Fisher boats, with their vibrant colors and rustic charm, dot the landscape, adding a touch of nostalgia to this picturesque scene. These vessels, though modest in appearance, are the lifelines of coastal communities, emblematic of a legacy that has traversed the seas for generations. Whether silhouetted against the fiery backdrop of the setting sun or gently rocking in the calm morning tide, these boats tell a thousand tales of the ocean’s treasures and the bravery of those who seek them.

The Artistry of Fisher Boats

Fisher boats, Pelicans, Beacon, Beach, blue waters, sand, waves, summer, vacation, blue sky, breaking wave, relaxation, beauty in nature, coastline, sunny, horizon over water, sunlight, nature, water, travel destinations, no people, sea,

Intricately tied to the identity of the fisherfolk, each boat is a masterpiece, often handcrafted with traditional techniques passed down through time. They are not mere tools for harvest but are imbued with the spirit of the community, showcasing the artistry and wisdom of the locals.

A Glimpse into the Marine Wonderland

Fisher boats, Pelicans, Beacon, Beach, blue waters, sand, waves, summer, vacation, blue sky, breaking wave, relaxation, beauty in nature, coastline, sunny, horizon over water, sunlight, nature, water, travel destinations, no people, sea,

As the sun dips lower, casting a golden net over the waters, the beach becomes a threshold to a marine wonderland. The horizon blurs, and the division between sky and sea fades, leaving us enveloped in an enchanting aura of peace. Here, the cycles of tide and time seem to pause, inviting us to reflect and appreciate the simple elegance of nature.

Preserving the Coastal Symphony

With each photograph, each moment spent admiring the union of beach and fisher boat, we are given a silent plea — to preserve this coastal symphony for future generations. We are reminded of the delicate balance that exists between humankind and nature and the responsibility that comes with enjoying such beauty.

For those who wish to delve deeper into the allure of beaches and admire more captivating imagery of fisher boats, a visit to Gorila Travel is but a click away. Here, the adventure continues, and the stories of the sea beckon to be discovered. Join in the journey and let your soul be touched by the magic of these timeless shores.

  • Fisher boats, Pelicans, Beacon, Beach, blue waters, sand, waves, summer, vacation, blue sky, breaking wave, relaxation, beauty in nature, coastline, sunny, horizon over water, sunlight, nature, water, travel destinations, no people, sea,
  • Fisher boats, Pelicans, Beacon, Beach, blue waters, sand, waves, summer, vacation, blue sky, breaking wave, relaxation, beauty in nature, coastline, sunny, horizon over water, sunlight, nature, water, travel destinations, no people, sea,
  • Fisher boats, Pelicans, Beacon, Beach, blue waters, sand, waves, summer, vacation, blue sky, breaking wave, relaxation, beauty in nature, coastline, sunny, horizon over water, sunlight, nature, water, travel destinations, no people, sea,
  • Fisher boats, Pelicans, Beacon, Beach, blue waters, sand, waves, summer, vacation, blue sky, breaking wave, relaxation, beauty in nature, coastline, sunny, horizon over water, sunlight, nature, water, travel destinations, no people, sea,
  • Fisher boats, Pelicans, Beacon, Beach, blue waters, sand, waves, summer, vacation, blue sky, breaking wave, relaxation, beauty in nature, coastline, sunny, horizon over water, sunlight, nature, water, travel destinations, no people, sea,

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