New York city Drone show 2023
This weekend, the NYC skyline will be illuminated by an exciting drone show by Red Wasp Drone
#NewYorkCitydroneshow2023 #NYC #droneshow #droneshow2023 #RedWaspDrone #ProjectingChange #GorilaTravel
This weekend September 15 and 16 in New York City, the iconic skyline will be illuminated by an enchanting drone art show brought to you by Red Wasp Drone. Prepare to be captivated as 1,000 drones take flight and fill the night sky with a breathtaking display of lights and movement. This mesmerizing spectacle is perfectly timed to align with significant global events, including the 78th United Nations General Assembly, the UN Secretary-General’s Climate Ambition Summit, SDG Summit, and Climate Week.
The drone shows will take place after sunset along the East River near the United Nations building. You can enjoy the spectacle from either side of the river if the weather permits. To stay updated on any changes or announcements regarding the shows, make sure to follow Red Wasp Drone on social media platforms like X, formerly known as Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.
The main objective of these drone shows is to inspire, educate, unite, and mobilize people in the fight against the climate crisis and other essential environmental campaigns. The Projecting Change organization, the creative force behind this initiative, aims to convey a powerful message to world leaders and ignite a collective commitment to change.
According to Projecting Change CEO Christopher Lejeune, art possesses the transformative power to influence cultures and drive meaningful change. The urgency to redesign our human systems to align with nature and ensure the well-being of future generations cannot be overstated. Our children’s survival and the prosperity of all life on Earth depend on our ability to make significant shifts.
The visionary organization Eat Differently joins forces with a consortium of partners to bring this drone show to life. Eat Differently is renowned for its advocacy of plant-based diets and the benefits they provide. In July, they launched a striking outdoor billboard campaign in San Diego, California, with the aim of inspiring individuals from all walks of life to embrace plant-based eating.
Embracing a plant-based diet can contribute to addressing an astounding 11 out of the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals, reinforcing the importance of this crucial message to global leaders.
Don’t miss out on this extraordinary event that combines technology, art, and the pressing need for environmental action. Prepare to be awe-struck as the NYC skyline becomes a canvas filled with wonder and inspiration.

NYC, New York City, drone show, Red Wasp Drone, Projecting Change, Gorila Travel, environmental action, climate crisis, UN General Assembly, art and technology, mesmerizing spectacle,
#NewYorkCitydroneshow2023 #NYC #droneshow #droneshow2023 #RedWaspDrone #ProjectingChange #GorilaTravel #environmentalaction #climatecrisis #UNGeneralAssembly #artandtechnology #mesmerizingspectacle